How To Make Alexa Skip A Track On YouTube Music

alexa skip track youtube music
alexa skip track youtube music

Alexa lets you connect to YouTube music and enjoy all your favorite songs with ease. It’s easy to listen to any singles or albums you like by just asking Alexa to play them for you once the service is connected!

We all have a album we like. I have a few myself I listen to all the time. But, everyone also has a couple of songs in the album that they don’t really like, or just aren’t in the mood for.

Luckily, if any song like that pops up in your albums, you can make Alexa skip the track even if you’re listening through YouTube music.


Making Alexa Skip A Track On YouTube Music

Alexa can easily do most things with just a verbal command, and this is no different. All you need to know is what particular command can make Alexa do what you want it to.

Luckily, this one is pretty easy, and pretty obvious. All you have to do is say “Alexa, skip this track”. That should make Alexa play the next song in the album you’re listening to, or whatever’s next in queue.

Related: Play YouTube music on Alexa, is Amazon prime account needed?

My video below will demo how to skip a track on YouTube music while it is playing on the Alexa Device.

But, on the off chance that command didn’t work, you could also say “Alexa, skip (song name)”. That should make Alexa skip the exact one you don’t want to listen to without any problems.

skipping youtube video

Why Won’t Alexa Skip Songs Using Those Commands?

If Alexa won’t let you skip a track on YouTube music no matter what command you use, then there might be an issue with the settings. This needs to be dealt with before the commands can work.

Usually, the problem is loop mode. Loop mode is a setting that makes it possible to play one song over and over again without playing the next one in queue.

If this is enabled, Alexa won’t be able to skip the track you want it to. So, make sure that it’s turned off by saying “Alexa, disable loop mode”.

Once loop mode is turned off, try the commands from earlier and the next song should play and avoid the Alexa device to playing two songs at the same time.

If even that won’t work, try seeing if the song on the playlist is the last one. When you try to skip the last song on an album, Alexa might not listen or just end up stop playing music.

So, make sure there are songs to skip to before using the commands. After you have something in queue, give either of the commands above a go and you’ll be able to do it without any problems.


Hopefully I was able to help you figure out how to skip tracks on YouTube Music when you’re listening with Alexa. If you still have any questions about the whole thing, you can ask in the comments!

What I shared above does cover the whole gist of things though, so I’m sure you shouldn’t have any questions left.


  • Eddie Odin

    Hi, I am Eddie Odin, an avid lover of IoT and home automation. With a passion for smart home technology and would like to automate aspects of my home. I share my real personalised DIY smart home experience!

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